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Dinosaur Pinata (With Free Stick) Dimension: 38cm x 50cm x 9cm One legend says that the pi�ata originated in China where Marco Polo saw it and brought it back to Italy. The Chinese version was typically a hollow effigy of a farm animal filled with seeds. In Italy the "pignatta," as it became to be known, was popularized by a game played by Roman soldiers who would hang clay pots and try to hit the pots with their swords while blindfolded. This game spread to Spain where it became a Lenten tradition. Playing the pinata game: A traditional pi�ata is hung at a certain height with players taking turns to hit the pi�ata with a stick or pinata buster until it breaks open. Then everyone races to collect the sweets and other treats that fall out onto the ground below.

Marine Dinosaur Pinata (With Free Stick) (38cm x 50cm x 9cm)


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